Now that’s a stark statement. Now how is one supposed defend themselves from such a claim that implies that any denial or action against by the accused is irrelevant and meaningless. Now motives can questioned in a ridiculous setup all because of a few words.
Now that’s a stark statement. Now how is one supposed defend themselves from such a claim that implies that any denial or action against by the accused is irrelevant and meaningless. Now motives can questioned in a ridiculous setup all because of a few words.
They know, that’s why he’s never coming back.
Tell that to the writers.
Sombra isn’t even a character at all, he was just a failed plot device.
The fuck, man? Sombra is a fuck-you-I-do-what-I-want character.
Big Mac I’ll give ya, but Sombra is just a edgy tryhard.
I think you’re confusing Timsplosion’s comics with actual canon.
Sombra and Big Mac are cooler characters and make mares swoon without even trying.
But he’s hot though, so suppose it evens it out.