Sun rise Satn Star blasting Otachi star roaring Sun rise Tried to Finshii Otachi Otachi saw allow her Sun rise Almost die by stomach acid Sun rise Use all her got But die in Stoamaj acids Rusault:Dawn
otachi definetly otachi, mainly because all sunset shimmer could do to him is either blast him with fireballs or try to mind control him, i’m not even going to bring up her mind controlled army, because those guys are fucking useless, do to the fact that they have no combat experience whatsoever plus they don’t have any powers so in the end all there good for is being cannon fodder while sunset shimmer tries to finish otachi off.
I’m gonna go with the massive eldritch dragon over 200 feet tall and more than twice as long as that, who can fly up to the stratosphere, resist the water pressure at Marianas Trench, and sprays massive amounts of hydrofluoric acid.