Presenting the Mane Seven, as the panel of advisors from Simcity 4.
*Spike Dragonbanks, City Planner (Like a boss!)
*Rarity Diamond, Finance Advisor (Complains a lot)
*Pinkie Sparkpie, Utilities Advisor (A total badass!)
*Rainbow Dashstrong, Public Safety Advisor (An alright pony. Gives a lot of U-Drive-It Missions.)
*Twitina Deankle, Health and Education Advisor (Complains a lot)
*Applejack Herd, Transportation Advisor (Pretty cool pony)
*Fluttershy Meadows, Environmental Advisor (Never shuts up about pollution!)
It’s impossible to make a city that pleases all of them at once, especially
the environmental advisor.
I think I matched each of their personalities quite nicely, didn’t I?