Wow, you have a very narrow vision of the world don’t you?
Just because someone is voicing an opinion, does not mean that they are saying it shouldn’t be done. Everyone likes different things, and anyone who thinks that people should create content based on what they personally like is a bigot, tbh. There was a discussion going on, and I felt the need to throw in my two cents. I didn’t realize that people weren’t allowed to voice opinions on different things.
“By expressing such views, you are trying to get down the amount of similar content since letting the author know some of his audience doesn’t like something will likely make him draw it less.
lolWAT? Voicing an opinion means I’m trying to make an author create less content?
Quite the opposite, actually. His work is pretty well made, and while I may not like what the next pic will probably be (filly twi being digested) I rather like the vore sequence up until that point (especially since the ‘mmf’ thing was cleared up) and in no way am I asking the artist to not create it. Whatever people want to make is their own business, and shouldn’t be influenced by what others want them to make (unless they do requests or something).
Opinions also can contain criticism, which help an author improve on their work, so essentially you just want an author’s work to be nothing but praise. How would an author improve if they don’t receive an opinion from another person?
I’m actually not bothered by TGM’s comment, tbh >.>
He/She was polite in voicing their opinion, which is fine by me. Obviously, if they were ranting impolitely, I would feel different about the situation. Besides, you don’t have to worry about me not drawing a certain subject anymore because a selection of my audience dislikes it.
Like I said, I understand that you can’t please everyone, so there’s no point in me bending over backwards in an effort to do so. I just draw whatever I feel like at the moment.
It doesn’t make much sense to write comments like yours on a picture that was clearly marked as exactly the thing you don’t like. The artist warned what this sequence will have, so how exactly you commenting about not liking the theme differs from complaining about it and saying it shouldn’t be done?
By expressing such views, you are trying to get down the amount of similar content since letting the author know some of his audience doesn’t like something will likely make him draw it less. There is no other purpose of leaving comments like yours. So where exactly I was wrong in my previous comment to you?
I feel like I should clarify, since apparently my words were misconstrued, I don’t hate the picture. I just don’t like graphic fatal vore (implied is fine for me, but I’m not fond of seeing the prey literally turning into shit) and the thought of filly twilight calling out for her brother as she was digested broke my heart. I apparently misread that though, so that’s more a problem on my part than it is yours.
It would have been hotter if her goo tongue slid out of her mouth and grasped twilight like her hair did and dragged her inside her mouth which widened to impossibly wide proportions.
That’s what I though as well, but TGM thought Twilight was calling her brother for whatever reason and that’s the closest resemblance I could find as to why he would think that was true =P
I am also masochistic and relate only with prey without caring about the pred in the slightest. Though it doesn’t stop me from liking pics with my favorite ponies from the show (I don’t like OCs and BPs) more than pictures with totally unknown and unrelated characters whom I don’t care if they die or not.
Snuff fetish woks better when you care about the prey at least in the slightest and know what they must be feeling (either consensual or not)… Just differing views I guess =P
Well, actually, not being able to relate to them is exactly why I don’t like it. I look at vore from the prey’s perspective. I’m a masochist, not a sadist. To that end, it’s far easier to interpret an OC, generic, or anonymous prey as representative of someone who wants it to happen to them, even if in the image itself they’re unwilling.
When I see an OC eating a filly version of a canon character, I see all sadism and no masochism. I guess there’s nothing wrong with that… but it’s not why I’m into vore.
I’m not sure that BFF here stands for her brother… Plus if you don’t like fatal vore, use this (digestion AND (fatal OR death OR imminent death OR dying)) and stop complaining. Graphic fatal vore is extremely rare as it is and asking for less of it is just being a total dick towards people who enjoy this stuff =\
Is there any difference? Why use crappy OCs or BPs when you have an appealing-looking well-developed character people can relate to? IMO, if you don’t want to relate to a character in a fatal vore setting, then you shouldn’t be looking at fatal vore in the first place. For example, I would love to see my favorite pony - Rainbow Dash - be in Twilight’s place.
Also, these characters are all imaginary and there is no real difference between them. There is no law or definition of when a pony is underage and when not. They all are not real and no one gets hurt, so the only difference between a filly and an elderly pony is in your own head.
I get graphic being underrepresented but, why filly Twi to begin with? Why not another OC as prey? Or a generic pony, or human? Or Anon? Or regular Twilight?
I’m pretty sure that in a world where Twilight is predestined to become a princess, I’m sure Celestia has her under watch all the time, as shown in the episode “Magical mystery cure”
I actually debated for quite a while whether or not to make the digestion graphic or not, cause I was afraid such a cruel end for filly prey would drive away viewers.
I ultimately decided on the graphic digestion because it’s a little underrepresented in my gallery.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I don’t mind the eating, and occasionally calling for help, but Filly Twi calling out for her BBBFF breaks my heart. And graphic/descriptive digestion (which was implied to be coming up soon) isn’t my thing.
@Background Pony #1BD3
I like this scene too, even tho I also like both willing and unwilling. There is no real difference if this is a filly or an elderly pony, they all are imaginary.
Unwilling graphic digestion is hot =P