Deirdre Reference
by ZodiacZero
Name: Deirdre
Nicknames: Deirie
Age: Young adult
Height: Shorter than average
Weight: A little chubby
Species: Pegasus pony
Cutie Mark: A stone heart broken into half
Tallent: N/A - sicksona
Occupation(s): Unemployed. Relies on her housemates for things.
Location: Ponyville.
- Being alone
- Going for walks
- Reading
- Sour foods
- Most other ponies
- Parties
- Her glasses
- Most foods
- Introverted
- Paranoid
- Quiet
- Grouchy
- Deirdre lives on the top floor of a house. She lives with Artline and Inkjoy
- She almost never wears her glasses and has very poor eyesight
- She is fearful of other ponies and avoids leaving the house
- Deirdre bites her cannons when she is upset.
- Her name ‘Deirdre’ comes from Irish mythology. There are two variants of the story: in one Deirdre dies of a broken heart and in the other she cracks her head open on a stone.
Sounds like:
Base: estories