Rarity: Bbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Kimono: nom nom
Another mane six child.
Here we have Rarity and her daughter, Kimono, sitting down for lunch.
I’m still not sure about leaving Kimono as an earth pony. I might change my mind and make her a unicorn, depending on how much like Rarity I want her to be.
Rarity tends to talk with herself when she’s working, so I think she would talk to the baby like she talks to herself whenever Kimono’s in the room, only with baby speak. Something like this:
Rarity What does mama’s wittle fashionista think? Should we put more sapphiwres on the lapel?
Kimono: Gubbah!
Rarity: gasp Kimmy-Wimmy, you’re a genius! A cape with ruby trimming would look fantastic. Yes, it would!
Rarity loves her little Kimmy more than anything in the world.
As for the father, I think I’ll hold off on revealing that a little while.