@The Frowning Pony
I hope despite our userbase’s maturity, we don’t shy away from featuring more images like this. It’s not fair to the majority that don’t care and the minority that do enjoy this if we don’t allowed featured images that could upset the 1% - 2% that get triggered over gay ponies or stallions in dresses.
I really don’t want this site to become a microcosm of American politics where two groups of insane, narcissistic people battle over getting the site turned into their safe space by banning everything they deem immoral and suppressing those that don’t agree with what they believe in.
TL;DR: Fuck the extremists, and I hope to see more images like this in the future alongside the regular featured stuff and for people to enjoy it based on its merits and not its content. Everyone else needs to get over it and realize the world doesn’t revolve around them.
@Background Pony #0133
The feature lasts 3 days, and it’s rated safe. The “drama” is nothing compared to when we featured a shipping image with Flashlight and Twilight, and about on the level of when we featured a gay shipping image (no reaction, of course, to the dozen or so lesbian shipping images).
Mod… “aggressiveness” on this matter is mostly due to how a lot of people complain for the sake of complaining, just because they know it’s something they feel justified in whining about despite it having no effect on them. I figured for the gay one and this one there’d be some complaining, but a part of me hoped, really hoped, that people would act like adults about it, accept that it’s a featured image not for them, deal with, at worst, having a Celestia spoiler image in the Featured slot for a few days, and get on with life. Alas, it was not to be.
We don’t delete accounts; you’d know that if you ever read the site FAQ. I made the effort to read your small novella demanding I kick out a mod or two after you went on a rules lawyering rant and petty report spam, all over a deleted insult, and your sequel whining about cronyism and SJW behavior and just generally daring to disagree with you; you should’ve made an effort to read the site rules and FAQ.
The very short of it all is that if you can’t behave like an adult and show a modicum or respect towards others, don’t expect site staff to treat you like an adult or give you unmerited respect.
First off, I’m not your mate, I’m just an Anon watching a fireworks display of tomfuckery.
Secondly, it’s not a matter of where it’s said that’s bothering me, it’s a matter of putting the correct forums and information out there to provide a safe place for arguement with the mods. I know the mods here deal with a lot of ‘ducks’ from time to time, but this is a big topic to put a questionable picture as the POTW, which apparently has never happened before or something (again, I don’t know).
This is kinda fucking insane someone gets banned because they voiced a pretty good opinion about a issue which might intrigue and catch curiousity of some select few who feel the need to know.
You call us SJW when we host pictures of Donald Trump and SJW stupidity all over the site and have a small vocal minority on both ends here.
We don’t have a bias.
Either way, I don’t think arguing is going to change your mind. You’re ironically making it harder for us to feature anything that isn’t morally “safe” because people get upset at a gay image or crossdressing image or anything that makes their question their manhood or sexuality. Don’t be narcissistic.
While I’m really not comfortable with such threats of bans for complaints being given so liberally (ie, they probably should let you complain about what’s featured in the comments), they’re certainly not quite at SJW levels. I don’t think they’d even mind if you made a thread complaining about the crossdressing pone.
@Nittany Discord
Actually, no; the second amendment grants the right to bear arms, the first grants the right to the freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right of the people to peaceably assemble, etcetera.
And while you are technically correct that there is no law against a site having such rules, that’s hardly a good defense; the fact that it’s not illegal for you to have such rules is not any indication that such rules are good or proper. Indeed, the fact that you’d limit speech even criticizing the picture for having crossdressing indicates a rather poor stance on the free expression of thought and assembly. But, then, I’m not surprised; Archonix here has already shown me that you guys have a distinctly SJW bent towards interpretation and enforcement of the rules going all the way to the top, and if a comment is offensive to any sort of special snowflake it is to be deleted with extreme prejudice, while any ‘right thinking’ comments, no matter how inflammatory, are left alone.
Again; if this trend continues, I expect Derpibooru to die out as well.
Edit: I would prefer to have all of my information completely removed from the site, thanks.
The first amendment applies to the government censoring the media, not a pony image board moderating comments. You have the right to say what you want, but we also have the right to restrict hateful and inflammatory comments.
In short, the first amendment doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole on a private website and get away with it.
You could just stop coming here. Nothing is stopping you.
Wonderful - then delete this account. I asked the site administrator, but he didn’t get back to me on that.
Quite frankly, I’m tired of the nannying rules and ridiculous enforcement of such; you are part of the problem, I note, and if such things continue I fully expect Derpibooru to die out.
The image is hidden. It even has a convenient list of reasons why the person hiding it should not click on the “this is hidden don’t look at it” thumbnail. It’s entirely their own fault for clicking on it when they know it contains things they don’t want to see. Complaining about the thing that they deliberately clicked on is just gravy at that point.
If anyone has complaints about how images are featured, or the content of those images, I recommend using the forums.
You have free speech. The internet as a whole grants you the right to whine about this image. You can even whine about it to your heart’s content on the forums. Just not here.
And here’s the threat of punishment for voicing my opinion. Thanks for proving my point.
Don’t worry, I unsubscribed as soon as I commented. I was only curious to see what response I received, and I was not surprised nor disappointed. You did exactly as I expected.