@Background Pony #7517
I was trying for [bottom lip curled in over bottom teeth]– grin real big and then say “aaawww yyyeah!”, like that– but I guess it does come across more like Horse Teeth.
@Background Pony #068F
Well, there are vinyl records involved, so Side A and Side B are kinda obvious for multiple versions– and Dolby Type C was a high end cassette tape format from the ‘80s/‘90s that’s made a comeback lately among hipsters– but I’ll wedge in whatever wordplay I can.
@The Twelfth Doctor Whoof
I’ve just always seen Human!Scratch as Black; she reminds me of a DJ I’ve seen a few times at clubs in Austin who always wears wild neon wigs.
I am racist, but his one don’t look as good for other reasons.
I was trying for [bottom lip curled in over bottom teeth]– grin real big and then say “aaawww yyyeah!”, like that– but I guess it does come across more like Horse Teeth.
Well, there are vinyl records involved, so Side A and Side B are kinda obvious for multiple versions– and Dolby Type C was a high end cassette tape format from the ‘80s/‘90s that’s made a comeback lately among hipsters– but I’ll wedge in whatever wordplay I can.
@The Twelfth Doctor Whoof
I’ve just always seen Human!Scratch as Black; she reminds me of a DJ I’ve seen a few times at clubs in Austin who always wears wild neon wigs.
Although I usually dislike dark-skinned humanizations (Zecora excepted) as a general rule, this one looks pretty good.
Oh I get it. The “B” stands for black!
inb4: drama