One fine day on the Savannah, Lesotho was enjoying her lounge in the mud-wallows………….that is until suddenly, Mmiri leaped out of the tall grass and jumped into the muddy mud. Splashing all over the place including on Lesotho.
(Even though she was already covered partially in mud.)
Lesotho - ZZZzzzzzzzz…….
Lesotho - GASP! “Mmiri! What do ya think you’re doin’!? Can’t you see a’hm tryin’ to relax!?
Mmiri - “What? I just wanted to enjoy the mud as much as you do! Also you looked kind of lonely, so I came by!”
Lesotho - “Ah’m LOUNGING, not SPLASHING! An’ you’re gettin’ mud all over my–~~”
Mmiri ~~ “But where’s the fun in lounging around? Mud is meant for splashing and forgetting the rule to stay as clean as possible!
Lesotho - “This mud is meant for gettin’ pests off of my skin and keeps my complexion clear. If you really want to splash around, do it in one of the four other wallows that are near by!”
Mmiri - “Oh! There’s different types of mud? I never knew that…….. Well, if you say so! Have a great time lounging! Lalalalalala%%~!”
(Mmiri pronks away to the other mud wallows to splash around in.)
Lesotho - “Oh that Mmiri……what a strange Antelope.”
(Lesotho puts her head down and falls back asleep.)