Clever Clovers
Element Of Luck
"Alright, so how do I make sure you don't...spoil?"
"Just pwace me on the fwying pan wike a wegulaa egg. Wonce I'm fwied, I'm safe fwom mowdy, icky, smewwy things."
"Why can't I just leave you uncooked?"
"I'm not mweant to be gooey. If you weave me uncooked, I'ww mwewt away. And I dow't wawwa mwewt, it's scawy."
(click-click-click, FWOOSH, SPLAT!)
"How long do I have to do this for?"
"Two mwinutes, mwista. Oh, I fowgot to awsk: Waw's your nwame?"
"Generic Messy-Haired Anime Anon."
"Waw's a big nwame."
"Which is why I usually just go by my initals, 'GHMHAA'."
"Okay, mwista! Hey, whewe awe you gwoing?"
"To get some oatmeal. I clearly can't have eggs this morning..."
"Just pwace me on the fwying pan wike a wegulaa egg. Wonce I'm fwied, I'm safe fwom mowdy, icky, smewwy things."
"Why can't I just leave you uncooked?"
"I'm not mweant to be gooey. If you weave me uncooked, I'ww mwewt away. And I dow't wawwa mwewt, it's scawy."
(click-click-click, FWOOSH, SPLAT!)
"How long do I have to do this for?"
"Two mwinutes, mwista. Oh, I fowgot to awsk: Waw's your nwame?"
"Generic Messy-Haired Anime Anon."
"Waw's a big nwame."
"Which is why I usually just go by my initals, 'G
"Okay, mwista! Hey, whewe awe you gwoing?"
"To get some oatmeal. I clearly can't have eggs this morning..."