… Oh my god they’re super nerds. They already have the rules in their heads, they already have the monster info and character sheets in their heads, they’re dressing the part and they just need the dice
@PonyPon (first comment, too!) @Drefsab
Yeah, just waiting on the first outragist to seriously cry “Racist!”. (It may have already happened, for all I know; I try to avoid the parts of the internet where outragism flourishes, e.g. Tumblr.)
from what i can tell, the clothing designs for a lot of the griffonstone inhabitants ancient and otherwise are based on the people of ancient scythia, which spanned from eastern europe to central asia - think modern ukraine, russia, kazakhstan, and mongolia, among other places. this would make sense considering that both griffons and arimaspi were said to live in scythia by the ancient greeks. the parallels drawn to ancient persians make sense as well, since the scythians were linguistically and culturally related to ancient persians and are among the descendants of modern iranians; in fact, the two were often erroneously conflated by the greeks in historical texts.