Well, I don’t know for sure but I am sure he was one of the driving reasons. One of the commentors of my picture called me a troll and all I did was defend it. Oh, sure me a troll? Yeah me just offering my own opinions and defending my picture count as trolling. Yeah, BULL. SHIT.
No. Dan is at least likeable even though he is a complete douchebag. Fenwolf is nothing more than a jerk who gets on a lot of people’s nerves including mine. He’s the reason I had to delete a picture that I had uploaded (that I amateurishly edited via a Matt Frank picture I might add heh heh) of Rodan and Titanosaurus fighting each other as a way to prove to one another that their respective ponies (Fluttershy for Titano and Rainbow Dash for Rodan) were the best.