Thanks God this isn’t canon
Sombrero is such an unoriginal character that it just feels right to me that he should have an unoriginal backstory as dumb as that prolly sounds.
“I got hit in the eye-rolls rather than the feels. I like your reasoning though, just cuz it’s funny.”
@Millennial Dan
Originality is the most overrated quality in creative works. What truly matter is the execution, and MLP:FiM still has that down pat.
@Starlight Storm
I did just read it. Frankly, it’s a terrible Anakin-Skywalker-all-over-again mess with a lame manufactured conflict. Having no story was pretty bad, but this isn’t much of an improvement.
@Starlight Storm
Welcome to theSonicPony fanbase. Half the people in it aren’t very easily pleased.