Dr. Thaddeus Bong
It isn't all that edgy, and taking the rarest component for your first forged weapon from a slain enemy you is a lot like many rites of passage for real-world and fictional cultures. It's a test of your abilities and worthiness to progress to a full-fledged status.
And should things with the quasi-mystical properties of Kyber crystals really be available through manufacturing? If they were, The Old Republic would have doled lightsabers out to elite military units by the hundreds, if not thousands.
It isn't all that edgy, and taking the rarest component for your first forged weapon from a slain enemy you is a lot like many rites of passage for real-world and fictional cultures. It's a test of your abilities and worthiness to progress to a full-fledged status.
And should things with the quasi-mystical properties of Kyber crystals really be available through manufacturing? If they were, The Old Republic would have doled lightsabers out to elite military units by the hundreds, if not thousands.