“Cmon, sugarcube. Gotta get up.”
Caramel groaned, pulling the sheet tighter over his head. Cant. Told you. Gonna skip a day.
“Nnnnnnope.” Big Macintosh grabbed the sheet and blankets in his massive jaw and threw them across the bed, leaving the delicate yellow stallion exposed to the sunlight streaming in their bedroom window. Caramel winced and curled haphazardly into a ball with a low whine.
“Maaaaaacplease? Just leave me be. Theres no reason to get up. Nothing good is going to happen to me today. Im still going to be useless and sad and just a drain on you and the family. Im just weak and bad at everything and I cant do it today. I just cant.” He grimaced as he realized hed started to tear up. “You shouldnt have to take care of me like this.”
Mac planted both forelegs on the side of the bed and leaned over to whisper in Caramels ear. Yknow that aint true. The colt yer describin wouldnt be wakin up in this here bed next to me, ah promise. He pulled Caramel upright with a powerful heave, but the smaller stallion wouldnt meet his gaze. Ah love you, an thats why ahm makin ya get up. Eyyyup, maybe today wont be any bettern yesterday. Maybe yer still gonna be sad about some things; ah know how ya are, sugarcube. But yer not useless, and th first step to comprehendin that is to get the hay outta bed and goin to do somethin. He nuzzled his lovers neck, and patted him on the back. An more importantly, yer gonna get up because stayin in bed all dayll just make yerself miserable tomorrow, too.
Caramel turned his head to look into heavy-lidded bright green eyes, flickering with concern. And he was right. Damn it.
He took a deep breath and smiled weakly. For you, sweetie. For you, he said, finally pulling himself to his hooves.