Everyone uses Scout/Rd, Soldier/Spike, Pyro/Pinkie, Demo/Zecora, Heavy/Big Mac, Engi/AJ, Medic/Shy, Sniper/Twi, and Spy/Rarity. Really, the only ponies who kinda qualify for the job are RD, Shy, and maybe Macintosh. The rest of them are based on personality. Well, screw that! This time, it’s based on skills.
Firefly is still fast.
NMM is crazy, and quite likely to use high explosives at close range
Celestia. Sun. Fire. ‘Nuff said.
Discord and his explosive chocolate milk. Big booms for all.
Sombra…he’s weird, doesn’t talk much, and missing a few marbles.
Twi is smart, so she can probably create much of the stuff, and more. Plus, that pendant has a dark secret…(Glows Loyalty Red)
I’ve read a story about Nurse Luna. Really, the only reason. Plus, I’m kinda using a lot of Alicorns or just powerful beings.
Cadence….I ran out of alicorns for the pic. Plus, she looks pretty badass with the hat and rifle.
Chrysalis. Disguises. General ass hat. A no-brainer.
And there you go.