Background Pony #C4B6
a group of traitor try to kill Celestia, those traitor a waithing of the return of Luna and be free of her cure to strike, use a poison on celestia who her to use her magic, when Luna see her Sister can’t defend herself, She know something is not right, plus a maid a betrayed those traitor by tell all to Luna, as first she not believe it, but when she a see Celestia can’t use her magic to protect herself, she know what to do, Protect Her sister from those traitor, Of course a Loyals Guards of the Night and the Sun guards arrive to protect against those traitor, of course not be kill, the guards who leader the Loyal guards id Shining armor who come back from Mission and learn a group of traitor try to kill Celestia, Thanks of Shining armor and his troupe of 300 guards etile , those traitor a be put in jail for betray, Luna be very angry on those traitor but proud of those not betray but join the force of Shining armor for Protect the Princess, but for not confuse between those traitors, all them wear other armor for not be confused with the traitors, all those guards of the sun and moon who a loyally protect the sisters a be see as heroes, Twilight when she read the new , she be shock and she plist her coffee, the attack a be on the night next alter the summer sun celebration, Twilight and friends be very Shock, all them take the first train to canterlot and go see if she be ok, Luna tell them everything is ok, but ask twilight to go in the royal library to found a cure for the poison anti-magic those traitor a use, and is only take her 2 hours to found it and 1 hour to get all his need and 3 minute to make the cure and give to Celestia, thanks of Twilight, Celestia feel Better and thanks of Luna she found a way to Rise the Sun and the low the moon, Celestia a be very proud of her! the traitor a be prison for 20 years and all them a be feel sorry for their action, only their leader a not be Sorry and even pit on the face of Celestia even she ask him if he learn his lesson and be sorry, but no, for him, he see Celestia as a monster or tyrant who set her sister to the moon for be the only one in power and she not love Luna and he even say she never love luna, if really love, she will prouven her to become nightmare moon, this a hurt Celestia a lot, she walk out the prison wing of the castles the head low, Luna be Furryous of this of see some hurt Celestia like alter all Celestia done for equestria, she speak with her tradisional canterlot Voice and very pony in all the castle can hear her and is be very clear Luna be in rage of all this, outside the castle everypony can hear the ego coming out the castle, even the pony of canterlot be angry as the same way as luna is be! alter this luna go sheer up Celestia, and is not be easy but she succeed it!