Thunderlane: “Does First Base like his new school?”
Flash Sentry: “He loves it in Ponyville. Thanks for suggesting it.”
Thunderlane: “No trouble. I remember all the fun we used to have at Cloudsdale Foal School and thought our little brothers would get along just as well as us.”
Flash Sentry: “I’m sure they will.”
First Base: “I want to be Flash Sentry!”
Rumble: “No! I wanted to be Flash Sentry first!”
First Base: “Did not!”
Rumble: “Did too!”
Thunderlane: “Hey guys, why don’t you decide who’s going to be Thunderlane?”
Rumble: “He’s right!”
First Base: “You be Thunderlane!”
Rumble: “No! I wanted you to be Thunderlane first!”
First Base: “Did not!”
Rumble: “Did too!”