“Programming is a never-ending race between computer programmers to produce bigger and better idiot-proof software, and the universe to produce bigger and better idiots.
This is tame compared to other visuals from children shows. you give this show too much credit. With the style that’s used the many creatures are just not scary.
They complain about some shit that is too scarey for their children and then make a bitch-fit calling the studios and ruin the fun for everyone and I mean EVERYONE.
most people don’t like soccer moms because they have a reputation for causing networks to pointlessly censor or pull good shows from tv and other forms of media.
They can simply turn off the TV or use the V-chip, but they would rather start trouble instead.
Unless they have some basic knowledge about greek mitology or monsters they could thing this is some satanic shit thanks to the fire, the snake and the goat head