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Since Ponibooru’s main server is no longer functional, I have created a torrent with the raw HTML for every image page, which includes all comments, tags, and source. It is 837MB compressed, 3.2GB uncompressed.
Image page HTML torrent
Also, Ponibooru’s image server is still functional for now, so this may be your last chance to download images directly using the script I created. Since the images are static, the image servers are still pretty fast.
UPDATE: now supports limiting downloading to specific tags
Windows binary
Source (for Mac/Linux/Windows, requires Python 2.6 or 2.7)
Image page HTML torrent
Also, Ponibooru’s image server is still functional for now, so this may be your last chance to download images directly using the script I created. Since the images are static, the image servers are still pretty fast.
UPDATE: now supports limiting downloading to specific tags
Windows binary
Source (for Mac/Linux/Windows, requires Python 2.6 or 2.7)
Well, I tried again, and it’s fixed…
I had to stop using Windows Explorer itself, and use Winrar.
I don’t know why, but using Explorer, when extracting files, it would extract one of the previous files, even if it was named properly. So, when I copied #070191 out of the zip, it would be named properly, but would actually be #000001.
Looks like some kind of issue/glitch/bug. Strange, never had it before. Maybe too many files cause this.
So everyone just ignore my previous comment.
A muffin for you, sir.
For example, #100000 is the same as #031333
And after a while, I found that at #070191 it went back to image #000001, and after that all the HTML’s are duplicates. And it happens AGAIN at #137783…
Uh oh…
The formatting is gone, so the pages don’t look like they used to. But as he said, the comments, tags and stuff, are all there. Each image will even be loaded from the ponibooru image server (for now… at least…), so you know what the comments are talking about.
Thank you, jspenguin. You saved one life here.
Now, I only have to download every single ponibooru image torrent…
In advance, could someone who’s actually used it yet tell me how it works?
To clarify: I’m assuming the torrent is like, if you were to go and right click > save as html on every single page on of an uploaded image, that would be would this torrent contains, and although Ponibooru appears to be down, since the image servers still work, that means if say, you still have the direct link to any image like this (through right clicking on the image then copying the url/shortcut/link or using a batch downloader), you would still be able to get the full size images until PB’s down.
Did I nail it?
Oh wait, I’ll download that, then. 837MB is really good.
You, sir, are amazing. Nice one!
Somepony save all of Molestia’s clopthreads and save the one with me & Prismwind!
Plus the comments were the best part.
There are still hundreds of quite good pics, comics and such which haven´t made their jump from there to here yet. :c