For Sonic fans who do not know what a parasprite …
The parasprite are small creatures that at first glance are adorable, cute, and so on. But enrealidad are a pest! Just give them some food they reproduce rapidly, causing a catastrophe! DB
Always going to want more food! Originally just ate normal food but after a spell that launched a pony to stop only worsened it (just was learning Twi with the magic ~~3 ~~) so here after the spell and did not need the food, things were now solid, metal , etc.
The word “parasprite” normally is used to call so the haters (I think it was them) and became a celebrated phrase is “Do not feed the parasprite”
I’m not saying that Sonic is a rather hehe if I wanted to see how it would look like parasprite Sonic (as adorably bad!> W <)