@Background Pony #C6DD
Just go away, it’s that you are trying to stir up shit, you don’t like Derpy then FILTER OUT DERPY, don’t go to Derpy image just to spew hate.
@Background Pony #FF99
I hope you read what WM-R said, if you can do some good nartured ribbing to a pony you like then you are no fun, and that’s all it was, good natured ribbing.
I would argue that most of them are just poking fun at her. When push came to shove, RD pulled through for her friends. Doesn’t mean we can’t rib her for wavering, though. It’s the same way we might poked fun at Twilight for being so high-strung, or Applejack and her apple-obsession.
It’s like…say, a Transformers fan joking about Optimus Prime dying, or a comic book fan poking fun at how nobody stays dead in comics. Most people don’t mean the mean stuff they say (not seriously, anyway).
How is calling her a dick pointing out what she did wrong? How is not having “cuteness, fluff” what she did wrong? How is “Duh, Derpy is a billion times better than you, Rainbow Crash” what she did wrong?
No, no he didn’t. I mentioned this when this pic was first posted, but there’s a vast difference between going, “Hey, Rainbow Dash! You assured the Ponyville team that even though Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps aren’t the best fliers, you’re so fast and so good you can make up the slack no sweat! Now you’re ditching them without a second thought simply because the Wonderbolts asked you to? WTH?” and “Rainbow Dash sucks, everybody who likes her sucks, stupid rainbow horse lol.”
The problem with this guy is the fact he didn’t seem to get there’s a big difference between a legitimate complaint (e.g. “But Derpy’s a total klutz! She’ll just bring the whole stadium down!”) and going, “Derpy is a retard, and everyone who likes her is a retard too.”
@Background Pony #C6DD
The difference is that you have a history of trash talking derpy/derpy fans and have been told to filter or not make shitty comments.