An experimental little series I’m hoping to start revolving around the making of the film Equestria Girls and what kind of teething problems this film may have had like all good blockbuster movies do. Just because it’s animated doesn’t mean it didn’t have its fair share of screw ups and goofy moments.
This one has Twilight in her first scene in the human world, immediately beginning to scream, before wearing her through out and spluttering like an Austin Allegro.
I know that the skin colours are normal, but I really can’t be asked to go back and do them with purple and blue skin like in the movie. I like to be consistent in my drawings, even if I don’t conform to the cannons of this fandom! xD
Also I know that Spike isn’t here even though in the movie he is. This isn’t because I don’t like Spike, I love Spike, he’s so funny it’s untrue, the problem is I don’t actually know how to draw him, so until I learn how he’s going to be conveniently left off-screen.
Sorry about that… :S