Background Pony #9455
That’s entirely up to you. Simply saying that it is poor is not a very good explanation though. Also, I like the backhanded insult about abstract thought, very cheeky. :)
I look forward to seeing a concrete maxim on revulsion’s ubiquitous triggers.
Barry Tone
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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Needs to know Hebrew.
Belief. I don’t believe there’s a shortage of abstract thought (I believe there’s an infinite amount of it) but is there a belief that there is a shortage of it?
Duck - Quacks like a duck, takes bait like a fish

@Background Pony #AB54  
Your comparison between the subjectivity of whether or not something is suggestive and whether or not something is sickening is poor. I shouldn’t have to explain why, but I’m sure I’m going to have to after your reply to thus anyways aren’t I? Abstract thought is in short supply these days.
Background Pony #9455
@Tenafly Viper  
You’re making what you already said applicable to yourself. Congratulations.
Tenafly Viper
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #AB54  
…you’re basically repeating exactly what I already said. Congratulations.
@Background Pony #F10E  
I’m sorry if I don’t see how pointing out the facts in a situation is “whipping anyone into a righteous frenzy”, but okay there, spanky. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Barry Tone
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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Needs to know Hebrew.
@Background Pony #F10E
I’m beginning to wonder if I’m appearing in that way to some people (Self righteous frenzy) But, That’s not my intent…
Background Pony #7CA7
@Tenafly Viper  
If you’re truly not part of, as you called it, “this DWM bullshit”, then you shouldn’t try and work people into a self-righteous frenzy over something that you find offensive.
Background Pony #9455
@Tenafly Viper  
You do realize that what one person finds sickening is not what every other person finds sickening, right?
Barry Tone
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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Needs to know Hebrew.
@Background Pony #AB54
If we are, I am not a part of that destructiveness nor will I be.
@Tenafly Viper
Good for you that you are not part of that mentality; It is a happy thing for you. Perhaps consider not allowing yourself to be sickened by those actions; Is that of any benefit to you or anyone else to be sickened by someone else’s (Unmerciful) actions? Certainly, It might not be good to repeat another person’s actions (depending on the context) but does getting sick over it prevent them from doing what they do or does getting sick over it rob you?
You can have a way to overcome that sickness and other ones like it if you ask for it, Seek it, Knock on doors for it, Particularly if you focus on it prior to sleep; This works for me and I know it can work for you too if you do believe.
Tenafly Viper
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #AB54  
I’m sorry, what was that?  
You do realize that what one person finds “suggestive” is not what every other person finds “suggestive”, right?  
Because apparently, Nicole didn’t.  
And let’s not forget, they continued to harass her about this even after she asked them three times to stop.  
They also chose to harass her on a fucking HOLIDAY.  
The ONLY thing they should be sickened with is THEMSELVES.  
End of fucking story.
Casual Brony

@Tenafly Viper  
Are you sure it was DWM people that did this?
And it’s ok, just put on some music and put on some chamomile tea to enjoy your pie.
Background Pony #9455
@Tenafly Viper  
I’m sure they were sickened as well, so you’re probably even.
Tenafly Viper
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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I DEFINITELY am not part of this “DWM” bullshit. Their conduct today (on a holiday!) has just literally sickened me.
Background Pony #9455
Unfortunately, we live in a society were “crushing your opponent through whatever means necessary to be victorious,” is glorified far and above trying to “learn, understand and find solutions that benefit everyone.”
Barry Tone
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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Needs to know Hebrew.
@Japanese Teeth
Yeah, Ultimately it is still Mashed Potatoes + Gravy, And with Princess Molestia it might suggest other things; But that doesn’t mean to suggest them every time I eat mashed potatoes and gravy!
@Tenafly Viper
For what reason? You’re not one of those people plugged in to the “DWM” Mentality, Are you? What’s bothering you? You don’t have to let them make you sick; Sure, It’s not a nice mentality for them to be doing but what benefit is it to you to get sick over it?
And yeah if people are not being kind and merciful and such to those who they don’t agree with it’s just not right.
@Background Pony #F10E
I’m going with what makes sense to me:
If I were a pornographer, I’d be asking for mercy and I would receive it.
If I were a murderer, I’d be asking for mercy and would receive it.
I’d also be asking to be merciful.
But the whole “Eye for an eye, Tooth for tooth” “Repay evil for evil” mentality is dumb; All it does is make evil continue because “The other guy’s an asshole”; Who is “The other guy”? SOMEONE WHO HAS THE VERY SAME MENTALITY AND EVEN THOSE WHO DO NOT! So yes that includes Grandma. I’m not raging here without mercy, I’m just saying it - Treat others as you’d have them treat you, Treat your neighbor as yourself, Etc, If you choose to; That’s what I believe in now.
Background Pony #9455
I guess the context is on the other foot now.
Background Pony #7CA7
@Tenafly Viper  
That’s what happens when your hatred is so intense that you start raging at people with literally no provocation. If you want someone to blame, blame the war on ethics for making every other social justice cause look sane by comparison.
Tenafly Viper
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Casual Brony  
She had to ask I think three times for them to stop bothering her about it.
The DWM people literally make me sick.
I made the most bomb-ass fucking amazing pecan pies for today, and I don’t feel like eating a single slice now.
Casual Brony

It’s a shame she was embarrassed as a result. Did people tease her on twitter for it or something?
Background Pony #94D6
sickening, the way they chose to bother her about this :(
Background Pony #7CA7
I think we’ve all heard by now how inhumanly, implausibly emotional “they” are. We don’t need another demonstration.
Princess Ember - Derpi Supporter
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Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.
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@Japanese Teeth  
The latter, probably.
Japanese Teeth
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Clock. Is. Ticking.
Except that you, know, it was mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes that were deliberately drawn to resemble something else, but still mashed potatoes.
My guess is more that one of the show’s media people noticed and went “WTF is that! Get rid of it!” Either that or she didn’t expect so many people to react so strongly and decided to err on the side of caution.
Background Pony #9907
apparently i was right.
Gold Bit -
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Since the Beginning  -

I think it’s in the best interest of the voice actresses to understand that they need to avoid any potential problems. People said it meant more. That’s enough to get her ultimate employers upset.
Tara can get away with it, because, well, she’s Hasbro’s Twilight Sparkle, and because she’s danged Tara Strong.
What bothers me most is that people won’t stop talking about it on her Twitter. I wish people would stop telling her “We all make mistakes” and the like.