Due to being a weak, timid flyer in her youth, Fluttershy was often bullied by the other foals at Flight Camp. This continued until one day, she came across a page torn out of a book on building confidence. Latching onto the message the page had to offer, the next time she faced her bullies, she retaliated and got into a fight that sent them both tumbling off the clouds. Though no one was badly hurt in the incident, Fluttershy was taken out of Flight Camp and offered counseling where she met a young bullied minotaur named Iron Will. Together, the two supported each other in a friendship which eventually developed into something more. As adults, the two are a married interspecies couple who tour the land spreading a message of confidence and facing one’s problems. By helping others to enjoy life and learn to overcome the issues that keep them down, she represents the Element of Laughter.
Because Fluttershy was removed from Flight Camp the year before Rainbow Dash attended, the race in which she would have pulled off the first Sonic Rainboom was never instigated. Instead, she grew more and more desperate to prove herself to others, especially her griffon friend Gilda. This led to a dare gone wrong which ended with young Dash badly mangling her wing after crashing in the middle of the dreaded Everfree Forest. Fortunately, she was found by the zebra potion maker Zecora before she could get into even worse trouble, who did the best that she could to heal the little pegasus. Unfortunately, after Zecora got her well enough to get her where she could contact her parents again, Cloudsdale physicians determined that even if they could fix her wing physically, the magic which allows pegasi to fly was irreparably damaged in that wing, meaning she would never fly well again. Rather than live her life in Cloudsdale as a cripple, Dash ran away from home in order to find Zecora again and learn everything she could from the mystic in the hopes of being able to fix anyone or anything else who winds up broken like her. Though it often takes the form of ‘tough love’, her empathy and care for those who others see as damaged goods makes her suited for the Element of Kindness.”