Hey, those tree/bush/vine/root things look changeling-y. And wasn’t Sombra known to grow black Crystals everywhere? Did the Changelings find Sombra’s horn?
Oooh, that would make a great great storyline. Imagine, a fusion of changeling and sombra’s magic. Consider me officially hyped.
Oooh, that would make a great great storyline. Imagine, a fusion of changeling and sombra’s magic. Consider me officially hyped.
Because her VA is already in the list ;)
>Luna and Celestia aren’t in it really at all probably
Oh, top lel
I mean Discord, Zecora and Sweetie Belle!
She appears in Season 4. She doesn’t necessarily appear in this episode.
Bet you Zecora saves the day with her amazing potions.
I don’t know why Sweetie is but the others are not in it that much over all so they count as a guest.
Scoots and AB got their cutie marks between seasons and Hasbro decided to cut them from the show.
“It’s not me this time! I’ve got something planned for next Thursday anyway.”