Conversed Corruption
Well then...
[@Background Pony \#1CF0](/images/3501168#comment_11093060)
A normal picture is presented.
One of the users here only said "naked mares" using no malice towards anyone or anything
A random BP (you) loses their minds, gets offended and attacks the user.
Another BP was just playoing along with what you said for fun.
You still get offended and upset for absolutely no reason then proceeds to say "creepy much" on a site full of pony porn.
Someone points out your foolishness you're causing for no reason which is a fact.
Proceeds to pull a "I know you are, but what am I?" Because you have nothing else left to say to defend yourself...making you the literal clown of everything happening right now.
Hey...if you want the comments section closed down or mostly your comments deleted when there was never any reason for this all to happen, then by all means, keep replying with your nonsense. It's actually entertaining, but I would rather you just stop and move on. There's no need for this now.
A normal picture is presented.
One of the users here only said "naked mares" using no malice towards anyone or anything
A random BP (you) loses their minds, gets offended and attacks the user.
Another BP was just play
You still get offended and upset for absolutely no reason then proceeds to say "creepy much" on a site full of pony porn.
Someone points out your foolishness you're causing for no reason which is a fact.
Proceeds to pull a "I know you are, but what am I?" Because you have nothing else left to say to defend yourself...making you the literal clown of everything happening right now.
Hey...if you want the comments section closed down or mostly your comments deleted when there was never any reason for this all to happen, then by all means, keep replying with your nonsense. It's actually entertaining, but I would rather you just stop and move on. There's no need for this now.