I got a map here of a few places the Equestria Girls might be at if they turn into monsters by either portal or a special virtual reality system that can transport their souls to alternate versions of their bodies; their souls transported from one universe to another. This is a map of Equestivania - (Equestria and Transylvania)
Places on Map of Equestivania:
Mummy Rarity: Ancient Egyptian Pyramid
Ghost Fluttershy: Haunted Mansion
Frankenstein Applejack: Cemetery
Swamp Creature Sunset Shimmer: Swamp
Werewolf Pinkie Pie: Wildlife Forest
Witch Twilight Sparkle: Gingerbread House
Vampire Rainbow Dash: Dark Castle
Dinosaur Trixie Lulamoon: Prehistoric Jungle
Alien Starlight Glimmer: Futuristic Tower
Final Location: Portal back to Equestria