Decided to recolor my latest submission, in regard to recent events.
[link] (EqD post)
[link] (EqD post about what ~
Kreoss said.)
[link] (BaldDumboRat’s Derpy comment)
[link] (in the unlikely event that the link above doesn’t make you cry, this one will)
About my “artwork”: I have my tablet since how long? 3 days? I was just using ArtRage to express my feelings there, I don’t think this has any “artistical” value or “complexity” or whatever. I think it looks like rubbish. (It wasn’t even Derpy-related before.)
But I still somehow think it has a meaning to it, shows my emotions better than anything else… I somehow think this picture is similar to Derpy herself. She might be flawed, clumsy, not perfect. But these are the reasons why we love her. We accept our ‘wall-eyed’ mailmare the way she is. And nothing will ever change this.
To me, Derpy isn’t even retarded. And I’m sick of people thinking ‘misaligned eyes’ and ‘slurred speech’ equal ‘mentally handicapped’. That is simply wrong. And it is even less reason to have Derpy’s eyes ‘un-derped’ and ‘fix’ her. How can people be so ignorant?.. As I have said elsewhere, this is just very very sad.
I’m thinking about removing the other version (what with the weird descriprion text and all), or maybe not. Dunno. I need to get to bed.