Background Pony #560F
Oh just come out of a hiding, Bagan! Recently there’s been more powerful Titans than Bagan. It’s been what how long? 11 years? What he got to show now besides hiding and watching? I’ve seen beautiful animation videos where they did Destroyah justice of literally making him the Devil of Monsters! If Bagan supposed to be an angel, at least make him like a Fallen Angel that he is. Heck even Shimo is getting more spotlight than him. Same with Scar King. Monsterverse Godzilla is out matching Godzilla Jr in every way. I thought Godzilla Jr supposed to be the chosen one in The Bridge universe. What has he done lately? Not mad but this is taking way too long to tell a story! I get you guys want make the finale an ultimate epic battle but come on, this is now 2024… the longer the wait the more people will start to forget about this story.