Asiandra Dash
Aoyagi Touya
NO! DON’T HATE HASBRO! DON’T HATE MY LITTLE PONY! DON’T LEAVE THE FANFIC! Maybe you can... if you figure out how to decode these!
1. 0”3@`#3 $9;’5 “3@`=3 5(3 &@;&8+
2. $9;’5 “3@`=3 5(3 &@`;$9: 0”3@#3
3. (@#/49 $9#3 ;95 #7+’
4. 2(6 697 (8558;* 5(3 048;+3## 9& &483;$#(80!?!?
5.@`*@`8;, (@#/49 $93# **;95** #7+’!
6. (92 :7+( $9 697 3=3; ‘;92 @/975 &483;$#(80?
7. $9 697 3=34 “3@`4; @`;65(8;* &49: 5(3 308#9$3# 285( “3##9;# @5 5(3 3;$?
8. $9 697 43@`“”6 (@`53 :6 “855”3 09;6 5(@5 :7+(?
9. 8& 697 (@`53 5(3 ;94:@`“ :@`;3 #8-, +(3+’ 975 5(3 3”3:3;5# 9& 8;#@`;i56 8& 697 “8’3 =89”3;+3
10. #7034+@`“8&4@`*8”8#58+3-08@“8$9+897#
B.T.W. If you are able to decode the last one, you might be suprised I was able to spell the word. And if you manage to decode all of the stuff, I’ll be suprised you were able to decode all 10 things. If you were able to decode all of them, you can quit the fanfic, hate Hasbro, and all that other stuff. But I reccomend you checkout the Elements of Insanity movie first if you are 12 and above. The movie contains the f and s word. Can’t remember if it contained the b word, though. And it has some very violent and extremly annoying scenes. No kidding. You’re gonna love it (I’m obsessing about it more than the normal mane six. The Elements of Insanity are also known as the Demented Six). 😁
Just informing you all with some stuff I remember about the movie. Do not, under any curcumstances, watch the movie or search up pictures of the Demented Six/ Elements of Insanity when at school or when you’re not supposed to see or hear the f word and see blood, all that not really school appropriate stuff, and all that other stuff you should know. So... yeah. Just check out the Elements of Insanity movie first. Or just search up pictures of it first. And get to know all six pony’s names. And try to find the vidio on Youtube because if you use Dailymotion, the sound will keep on... glitching? Dunno how to say it. And the sound doesn’t even match the scene on Dailymotion. So Youtube is the best place I know to watch the movie cause the sound won’t keep glitching and the sound will match the current scene it is in.
(I’ve never commented this much on one pic.)
1. 0”3
2. $9;’5 “3
3. (@#/49 $9#3 ;95 #7+’
4. 2(6 697 (8558;* 5(3 048;+3## 9& &483;$#(80!?!?
6. (92 :7+( $9 697 3=3; ‘;92 @/975 &483;$#(80?
7. $9 697 3=34 “3
8. $9 697 43
9. 8& 697 (
10. #7034+
B.T.W. If you are able to decode the last one, you might be suprised I was able to spell the word. And if you manage to decode all of the stuff, I’ll be suprised you were able to decode all 10 things. If you were able to decode all of them, you can quit the fanfic, hate Hasbro, and all that other stuff. But I reccomend you checkout the Elements of Insanity movie first if you are 12 and above. The movie contains the f and s word. Can’t remember if it contained the b word, though. And it has some very violent and extremly annoying scenes. No kidding. You’re gonna love it (I’m obsessing about it more than the normal mane six. The Elements of Insanity are also known as the Demented Six). 😁
Just informing you all with some stuff I remember about the movie. Do not, under any curcumstances, watch the movie or search up pictures of the Demented Six/ Elements of Insanity when at school or when you’re not supposed to see or hear the f word and see blood, all that not really school appropriate stuff, and all that other stuff you should know. So... yeah. Just check out the Elements of Insanity movie first. Or just search up pictures of it first. And get to know all six pony’s names. And try to find the vidio on Youtube because if you use Dailymotion, the sound will keep on... glitching? Dunno how to say it. And the sound doesn’t even match the scene on Dailymotion. So Youtube is the best place I know to watch the movie cause the sound won’t keep glitching and the sound will match the current scene it is in.
(I’ve never commented this much on one pic.)