“Still no Maidens”
Original Description From DA
An Alburke/snow comic!
This time around I’ve completely stolen, butchered, and am now puppeteering the corpse of the Top Gear scene wherein Jezza absolutely brains himself measuring the depth of some snow, twice. If you haven’t seen it it’s fantastic, here’s it pretty much out of context:
That’s your culture lesson for today.
Anyway, in his never-ending quest to aquire some god-damn maidens, Alburke has consulted his genius to make himself useful AND impress some mares at the same time, while snow has hit Wington. Maybe Ember asked him and Aiexos to clear some paths or something.
I would like to say that I drew a snow-themed comic because its beautiful and wintery outside. Instead, so far we have had one day where it snowed, but it didn’t stick and now it’s buggered off anyway so whatever.
I was gonna use Ember and Murky for the mares, but I thought instead maybe I’d give some other characters a go. Frazzle, belonging to R4HUCKSAKE is first mare of the three, next is Ace, and last is Purple Trail belonging to rautamiekka.
Hope you don’t mind their inclusion in this, and I hope they look alright! All the mares are actually drawn quite small, so I had trouble colouring them in. Particularly Frazzle with her delicate coat colours. But they were great fun to do, some day I’ll have to draw them full size.