We should get a Genesis 30 based comic, where Big Mac marries two of his cousins. Big Mac wants to marry Marble Pie, and works the rock farm for 7 years to get her hoof in marriage, but Igneous Rock Pie tricks him by getting Big Mac drunk during the wedding and marrying him to Limestone pie instead during their wedding. Then Igneous says Big Mac can marry Marble, but only if he works for another 7 years, and he does so. Then Marble and Limestone compete for sex to have the most offspring, while Celestia messes with Marble by making her barren, so e.g. Marble Pie then gets another pony to be proxy-pregger on her behalf to compete in the offspring production.
Sometimes I just think there was an early iron-age Hebrew comedian writing funny stories down, but I'm probably the crazy one here.
Sometimes I just think there was an early iron-age Hebrew comedian writing funny stories down, but I'm probably the crazy one here.