||Soarin: Dashie...I appreciate the view in the morning. But I'm an older stallion. I can't just be ready. This Captain commands you to cuddle before we play. And that's an order Crash.||
||Thunderlane: Oh Dash. Well this is a good sight to see. Let's makes some ThunderClaps!||
||Quibble Pants: Dash we were up all night reading Daring Do: and the Many Positions...how that got by the censors I'll never understand. But yeah, I'm fine withgopracticing what we've read.||
||Zephyr Breeze: Oh Rainbows...*gets a hoof stuffed in his mouth before he can speak.*||
||Thunderlane: Oh Dash. Well this is a good sight to see. Let's makes some ThunderClaps!||
||Quibble Pants: Dash we were up all night reading Daring Do: and the Many Positions...how that got by the censors I'll never understand. But yeah, I'm fine with
||Zephyr Breeze: Oh Rainbows...*gets a hoof stuffed in his mouth before he can speak.*||