Jonny Manz
I am who I am
And I was making a pun on the CG series., which I realize was already punned on in the description, but I couldn’t resist,
Also, just want to say, “CalArts” is not a very good descriptor (it’s even dumber when used as a pejorative) as it was a term coined by an admitted groomer and sexual abuser to describe *The Iron Giant* (which, fun fact, one Lauren Faust worked prominently on). Not sure why it’s become shorthand for “bean mouth style” besides “the Internet is stupid sometimes”.
And I was making a pun on the CG series
Also, just want to say, “CalArts” is not a very good descriptor (it’s even dumber when used as a pejorative) as it was a term coined by an admitted groomer and sexual abuser to describe *The Iron Giant* (which, fun fact, one Lauren Faust worked prominently on). Not sure why it’s become shorthand for “bean mouth style” besides “the Internet is stupid sometimes”.