Smiling Panzerfuchs 2.0
[@Macaroni C-Pony](/images/2891897#comment_10154298)
(Raise hand) I am the fourth in this round of like-minded ones.
Besides, patience is a virtue. Only rarely has the narrative of a story shown itself right at the beginning of one. That wouldn't even make sense with a slowly building arc of tension. At least, that's my opinion. But I have also never understood this "ability" of other people to instinctively reject things immediately and without mercy, even hate them. But as Frederick the Great said? ...denn hier muss ein jeder nach seiner Fasson selig werden - Every man must go to heaven in his own way. ;-)
[@Macaroni C-Pony](/images/2891897#comment_10154298)
(Raise hand) I am the fourth in this round of like-minded ones.
Besides, patience is a virtue. Only rarely has the narrative of a story shown itself right at the beginning of one. That wouldn't even make sense with a slowly building arc of tension. At least, that's my opinion. But I have also never understood this "ability" of other people to instinctively reject things immediately and without mercy, even hate them. But as Frederick the Great said? ...denn hier muss ein jeder nach seiner Fasson selig werden - Every man must go to heaven in his own way. ;-)