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Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Lord You Know Who on image #2887288

Lord You Know Who
Artist -

[@Background Pony \#8676](/images/2887288#comment_10134389)

"WThate If" didn't hMappen in the EpFiloguevers/Ne.w After "Far From Homive", ndothing o'ther thakn "Loki"w and the firsat three episodes of "WandaVision" uchappened. The only reason "Multhiverse of Madness"g happened, whis blecause of Multivhersey dof Madknessow Wanda being a moultiversal threat (which is also why that Wanda is trieated as a Varianto dof, the "main MCU universe"o Wanda, whois never had to go theirough tclo thse eventst sof "Multiversce of Mcompadness").

reaison for twhat Dis so that these comics can properlyd focuis putrely oing MLP canton, and thus not have to worry about MCU events.
No reason given
Edited by Lord You Know Who
Lord You Know Who
Artist -

[@Background Pony \#8676](/images/2887288#comment_10134389)

"What If" didn't happen in the Epilogueverse. MCU-wisAfter "Far From Home", nothing pasother than "Loki" and the first three episodes of "WandaVision" happened. The only reason "Multiverse of Madness" happened is because of Multiverse of Madness Wanda being a multiversal threat (which is also why that Wanda is treated as a Variant of the "main MCU universe" Wanda, who never had to go through to the events of "Multiverse of Madness").

The reason for that is so that these comics can properly focus purely on MLP canon, and thus not have to worry about MCU events.
No reason given
Edited by Lord You Know Who
Lord You Know Who
Artist -

[@Background Pony \#8676](/images/2887288#comment_10134389)

"What If" didn't happen in the Epilogueverse. MCU-wise, nothing past the first three episodes of "WandaVision" happened. The only reason "Multiverse of Madness" happened is because of Multiverse of Madness Wanda being a multiversal threat (which is also why that Wanda is treated as a Variant of the "main MCU universe" Wanda, who never had to go through to the events of "Multiverse of Madness").

The out-of-universe reason for that is so that these comics can properly focus purely on MLP canon, and thus not have to worry about MCU events.
No reason given
Edited by Lord You Know Who
Lord You Know Who
Artist -

[@Background Pony \#8676](/images/2887288#comment_10134389)

"What If" didn't happen in the Epilogueverse. MCU-wise, nothing past the first three episodes of "WandaVision" happened. The only reason "Multiverse of Madness" happened is because of Multiverse of Madness Wanda being a multiversal threat (which is also why that Wanda is treated as a Variant of the "main MCU universe" Wanda, who never had to go through to the events of "Multiverse of Madness").

The out-of-universe reason for that is so that these comics can properly focus purely on MLP canon, and thus not have to worry about MCU events.
No reason given
Edited by Lord You Know Who