Johnny B. Mediocre
psst it's me I'm a horse
> attack me
if four people asking you to elaborate on your vague take constitutes as "attacking you" then I'd hate to see when happens when *five* people ask you to elaborate on something
> Main character gains ultimate magical powers unexpectedly and struggles with them is exactly the same plotline in FiM
is it though? I mean, Twi became an alicorn at the end of S3, and even then her struggles with adapting to her new wings were only briefly looked into in the first EqG and the cold open of the S4 premiere IIRC - before then there were the Elements, sure, but again IIRC they didn't do much except serve as the almighty holy MacGuffins for the cast until the tree showed up, before then they didn't really personally effect any of the Mane Six's powers aside from their friendship
also, I mean, this isn't exactly a new trope - like off the top of my head, Disney does this all the time (*Frozen?* *Turning Red?* hello?), and so do a cartful of isekai anime series I've seen
DANNY FUCKING PHANTOM TOO, c'mon, this isn't new
and Sunny isn't just gonna know what to do with her powers right off the bat, especially since from what I've gathered, they just pop up randomly without any real forewarning, and we barely got to see her use them in the movie aside from like a few minutes at the end, so of *course* it's gonna take some climatization
> Name one original thought in the series so far that isn’t copying G4
look let's be honest, after the whirlwind G4 created there was no way they were just gonna drop the plot and leave it to rot, so of course there's gonna be more than a few direct allusions to things that've happened in the previous gen
as tempting as it is to start fresh with a clean slate, it would be a bit of a disservice to the last decade-and-a-bit of history that came before - maybe they'll go that route in G6 after enough time's passed, who knows?
> adding baby-zoomer references (phones)
wh - do you think phones are baby-zoomer technology? what year do you think it is?
> pandering to adult fans with empty promises of Deepest Lore™
the 3D series isn't even out yet, so how can you say they're "empty promises"? I mean if you're basing this off the quality of the 2D shorts, then you were probably expecting a bit too much from something so small
> Racism is such an original subject for a fantasy setting, waw.
again, what year do you think it is? plus this shows they're not just ignoring the movie by going "everything's great! nobody hates each other anymore!" after getting hit with the revived magic wave
but fuck man I dunno, I'm just trying to figure out what you mean and give you my two cents in return - don't take it personally, this site's hardly the place for it and I'm sure you're a decent person
> attack me
if four people asking you to elaborate on your vague take constitutes as "attacking you" then I'd hate to see when happens when *five* people ask you to elaborate on something
> Main character gains ultimate magical powers unexpectedly and struggles with them is exactly the same plotline in FiM
is it though? I mean, Twi became an alicorn at the end of S3, and even then her struggles with adapting to her new wings were only briefly looked into in the first EqG and the cold open of the S4 premiere IIRC - before then there were the Elements, sure, but again IIRC they didn't do much except serve as the almighty holy MacGuffins for the cast until the tree showed up, before then they didn't really personally effect any of the Mane Six's powers aside from their friendship
also, I mean, this isn't exactly a new trope - like off the top of my head, Disney does this all the time (*Frozen?* *Turning Red?* hello?), and so do a cartful of isekai anime series I've seen
DANNY FUCKING PHANTOM TOO, c'mon, this isn't new
and Sunny isn't just gonna know what to do with her powers right off the bat, especially since from what I've gathered, they just pop up randomly without any real forewarning, and we barely got to see her use them in the movie aside from like a few minutes at the end, so of *course* it's gonna take some climatization
> Name one original thought in the series so far that isn’t copying G4
look let's be honest, after the whirlwind G4 created there was no way they were just gonna drop the plot and leave it to rot, so of course there's gonna be more than a few direct allusions to things that've happened in the previous gen
as tempting as it is to start fresh with a clean slate, it would be a bit of a disservice to the last decade-and-a-bit of history that came before - maybe they'll go that route in G6 after enough time's passed, who knows?
> adding baby-zoomer references (phones)
wh - do you think phones are baby-zoomer technology? what year do you think it is?
> pandering to adult fans with empty promises of Deepest Lore™
the 3D series isn't even out yet, so how can you say they're "empty promises"? I mean if you're basing this off the quality of the 2D shorts, then you were probably expecting a bit too much from something so small
> Racism is such an original subject for a fantasy setting, waw.
again, what year do you think it is? plus this shows they're not just ignoring the movie by going "everything's great! nobody hates each other anymore!" after getting hit with the revived magic wave
but fuck man I dunno, I'm just trying to figure out what you mean and give you my two cents in return - don't take it personally, this site's hardly the place for it and I'm sure you're a decent person