“You know how hard it is being me? Well educated, taught by a combination of royalty and high class and working with a student of the Princess herself. You’d think I’ve have great things in my life ahead of me. You’d think I’d have a girl in my life.”
He took a long drag of his cigarette, puffing it out in a green cloud around his head.
“Yeah I met some girls. Rarity, she was a gem, but she never stopped playing games. I had friends too, but only by proxy. Twilight got jealous of the ones I made through my own efforts. Ember… Thorax… She couldn’t wait to sabotage it, and she took advantage of a day where my only sin was concern for the well being of my friends. My punishment for it was to lose those two friends. Never saw either one of them outside of business meetings after that. Smolder was just another dragon, I wouldn’t call her a friend, not with how she liked to emulate her alleged brother and lie about every other thing. Now Gabby. now there was a gal. Pen pals, then we spent every single day together that we could. But ol Rares couldn’t stand me not pining for her and did her best to break that one up. Didn’t ruin the friendship, but that’s all it ended up being as anything deeper was destroyed under the guise of distrust.”
He picked up his shot glass and swirled it in his hand, watching the ice cubes spin.