Added a new custom figure (by Vita96) to the display. She has a wooden stand.
In addition, the LED strip lights above are set to magenta, and look fantastic in the evening light. I’d like to get it hooked up to a timer soon.
My next plans for my collection (other than getting 2-3 new big Fluttershy/bat plushies), is to set up a rimless planted/aquascaped 6 gallon aquarium in the “Fluttershy Corner” section of the collection. For the tank, I have just purchased a vivid yellow betta from a breeder in Thailand. Probably will put in a few neon tetras or some other small schooling fish.
–> Big laying Flutterbat by MyLittleWaifu (ButtercupbabyPPG) Link to the plush on her DA:
–> The pillow she’s laying on was made by P0w3rPorco, that came with another Flutterbat plush.
–> Small kitten sized Flutterbat by LanaCraft Link to plush:
Large custom Fluttershy figure by Vita96 Link to the figure:…
Small 3D Printed Fluttershy from Shapeways (no longer in production)