This oc belongs to me (sorta?)
No more special request.
OMG finally I catch up with the last bus, thank you Joey for giving us more time to complete the artwork.
Cannot believe another year has pasted, Geez
Time flies. Last year I was watching my 2021 collab artwork and thinking that “Ah okay looks liek muh art style will b juss liek dis, no more progress anymore”. It turns out that I am just an idiot😂
Yea, there are always progress you can made
Duh nevermind, so this year I finally got chance to show you guys the full edition of my oc’s outfit. last year I am unskilled, have no idea what can I draw, haven’t decided what can she wear, blah blah blah… I took like a year to decided what can I add to her normal summer outfit, when I saw that this year’s community collab is about warm and a beach background, I know my chance has come. So here she is, hope she will looks good in the final outcome of the collab. (Becuz if she dont looks good, then I dont look good, and I always look good(x):D)
站内大合照 的投稿哦
我滴妈总算是给我赶上合照末班车了 多谢Joey老大的延期哇!
哇哦 魔幻的一年就这么过去了 上次参加合照仿佛还是在上次【?】
瞅瞅这光阴好似坐牛车【?】一年前咱看着自己的合照投稿作品想着 “啊我画风应该就这么定型不会再改变了吧” 的想法放到今年来看果然还是太过天真了的说 永无止尽的进步哇
啊管他呢随便啦 今年咱总算是将立冬大可爱的全身完整装束都设计出来啦(虽然可能有点太过复杂 不过嘛毕竟是难得老老实实拍张照 华丽点也无妨) 去年我就是个超级菜鸡 要技术没技术要灵感没灵感要姿势没姿势的 于是乎在去年的大失败后就画了约莫一年时间重新设计她的夏季外观装束 在今年的合照公告发出之后 这海滩背景的主题如同在向咱宣告着机会已至 是时候绽放她的光彩了
于是乎这份作品就这么整出来了嗯 希望在最终出品的合照上她能有个优秀的表现什么的吧 (因为如果她不漂亮的话那咱肯定也老不好看了而且很明显 咱老靓仔了 康康咱自己这流畅的身体线条和饱满圆滑的肌肉 腋♂)
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