Viewing last 25 versions of comment by ydvoku on image #2779235


I just assumed they worked in Morse code.
Left is dot, right is dash. (Each press moves the gears along a tree structure internally), the spacebar prints the letter with that corresponding code (then internally resets the tree traveling). Morse has the benefit more common characters have shorter codes. Would be faster than all other systems and simple mechanically. Spacebar with no dots or dashes could be a space.
No reason given
Edited by ydvoku

I just assumed they worked in Morse code.
Left is dot, right is dash. (Each press moves the gears along a tree structure internally), the spacebar prints the letter with that code (then internally resets the tree traveling). Morse has the benefit more common characters have shorter codes. Would be faster than all other systems and simple mechanically. Spacebar with no dots or dashes could be a space.
No reason given
Edited by ydvoku