Here he is, the thiccest of the thicc bois only second to Fast Hooves, the stallion Spicy Cider. The combination of Braeburn and Wind Waker, Spicy is a very thicc boi that gets both mares and stallions going for him. Flanks as big as his heart, he tends to melt those the likes of many a mare. The partial rodeo stallion and Wonderbolt stallion sporting a sleek glossy jumpsuit along with his smexy stetson. Following about the stallion is a scent of cinnamon and apples that draws anypony his way, giving away the poor stallions position much to the dismay of he. Going around Ponyville from Applelooza providing ponies with multiple acrobatic aerial shows as well as celebrating and participating in festivals regarding the seasons.
A peak example of stallion physique, Spicy Cider is a devoted member to the many occupations that he has inherited from the stallions that make him up. Whether it is the grueling labor of the Apple family that his Braeburn component hails from, or the ever active and peak conditioned mentality of the wonderbolt that is his Wind Waker component within him. Either one act as conduits to encourage the fusion stallion to keep himself the best in shape as well a level head when helping those in need and taking care of those he loves, such as his beloved wife