[@Ring Team](/images/2761697#comment_9934938)
> And even if she would take her time, that also doesn’t make sense when we see this in 2019.
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> I’m not against redemption themes in movies and TV shows, but you have to actually earn it. This is why Sunset Shimmer worked in Rainbow Rocks. This is why Tempest Shadow worked in the MLP movie. This is why Diamond Tiara worked in Crusaders of the lost mark.
I love how you deliberately leave out the fact that not only did Twilight consent to hypnosis, but that Pinkie Pie accidentally interrupted it, just so you have an excuse to keep complaining about Starlight and make her out to be a bad character. Nice going.
And what does that mean?
> And even if she would take her time, that also doesn’t make sense when we see this in 2019.
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> I’m not against redemption themes in movies and TV shows, but you have to actually earn it. This is why Sunset Shimmer worked in Rainbow Rocks. This is why Tempest Shadow worked in the MLP movie. This is why Diamond Tiara worked in Crusaders of the lost mark.
I love how you deliberately leave out the fact that not only did Twilight consent to hypnosis, but that Pinkie Pie accidentally interrupted it, just so you have an excuse to keep complaining about Starlight and make her out to be a bad character. Nice going.
And what does that mean?