@Lord You Know Who
From all the dumb sxxt discord has done in both the show and comics, I might make a Fimfic of him getting assassinated or executed in front of every creature
Baast, Vorak’s kingdom, Discord’s reign, Date with Cosmos, Knights of Harmony, The rises of haromny? Or what’s the chronology?
Meanwhile, for how Danu refers Discord like “the creature” instead of his name maybe can makes say us neither Discord or the Knights had a great interaction, so maybe the knights are using Discord as a scapegoat to answer why the other kingdoms are attacking them, just looks how the knighst instead of using dipliomacy since in themselves they are all elements of harmony and could defeat Discord if they unite, they prefer to fight and lock up other elements.
And now i see this entire arc talks about American interventionism specifically, not about any imperialism since in itself, the fact that the knights are of different species of different mythologies but whose names are mostly from Celtic mythology, where they were pre-named in Great Britain.
The United States was a colony of Great Britain that became multicultural.
For what Discord and its chaos would be a reference to communism of which it was an enemy that the United States wanted to eliminate from any area, and that the elements of the harmony of other species are hidden is a reference to the embargoes on countries allied to communism like Cuba.
In resume, the knights are telling a half truft of what they think is the truft meanwhile don’t see their own acts.
@Smart Heart
this isn’t a messup this is something he did back when he was a villain pre s2, also i hope you aren’t trying to get into a debate, forums are more of for that.
I realize something - the abyssinians and the diamond dogs have been in conflict with each other for a very long time ever since the anugyptian cats and the jackals met in Anugypt (today G4 Southern Equestria) at least three to two thousand years before. Even when they kept peace between the clashes, the contradictions between them were constantly on the surface, as seen in S10 which only confirmed older information.
So what was it that made two old enemies join forces against the Cunabulans? Even Discord does not have such good persuasive abilities without the use of mental manipulation, and this is not shown. We are at the end of S10, yet we have never learned about the cunabulans and their motives or what they did to the others who attacked them during something reminiscent of desperation.
The only thing Whitley succeeds in is making these “knights” so disgustingly arrogant and superior that they are almost instinctively put to hatred from a human perspective. We do not like them, their attire and appearance as the forces are of interest, but their demeanor is too uncomfortable close to stereotypical types from a dark time in the recent history of mankind. This is something we have not encountered in early MLP publications. We would have instinctively crushed them as quickly as possible, and destroyed Cunabula. Those who are said to have been persuaded by Discord seemed to have come into the same state of mind.
Wonder if the royal sisters have met these jerks and asked them to leave Equestria at the direct threat of their lives? Perhaps this threat is kept at bay, then one can hope that Discord will explain itself, while all element bearers - many of these from realms who had long suffered - gather to decide the fate of the “knights” after they are taken out. Would love to see Celestia and Luna in armor for once.
Since S8, Discord has been dragged through the mud by writers who used him as a lightning rod and shortcut when they need to straighten their scripts rather than adjust or start over. The end of S9 was very good, with two exceptions; The Grogar deception and the fate of the Terrible Trio. At least we can easily see Twilight and her friends petrify these “knights” and send them to Tartarus. These crimes are unforgivable due to the long duration of the consequences. If these are allowed to walk away, be forgiven or join Twilight, Whitley has committed literary suicide.
In our world, we do short process with Nazi-like people.
@Background Pony #7259
once upon a time means back in the day tho, like this is like pre s2 discord when he was a vilain. But yes i wish he wasn’t used as a plot device
Wow, they have done Discord’s character so dirty, it’s not even funny.
Now he’s just a plot device to be used when there’s a problem, and it’ll always end up being his fault, no matter how out of character or nonsensical it is, all because of that one stupid twist that the writers decided to put in the show.
It’s really sad to think about it, since he was a character that a lot of people liked before the season 9 finale…