Viewing last 25 versions of comment by CaptainXtra on image #2698152

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

I’m not giving up.
"[@Tokio Toy":](/images/2698152#comment_9815222
) Toy"] 

" [@CaptainXtra":](/images/2698152#comment_9814268

Do not misunderstand this site: **it is I who take the risk expressing myself as I do.** If **Derpibooru** considers any correction, *+*__he will make it and I will accept it.+__*

I only express myself through what you see. **And I am not the first nor will I be the last**, you just need to understand (and if it is within your reach, _*reciprocate_*). [/bq]

Say that again but as a human instead of an alien theat binge-watched Shakespeare.
No reason given
Edited by CaptainXtra