The cap I can overlook, minor shifs in costumes don’t bother me much. Take Animal Man: I will always love the old costume with the jacket look, and while I can dig the current one, I will always prefer the old.
The way I see it, there will always be thing one doesn’t like, or finds questionable, about a comic universe, regardless of reboots. Remember when Power Girl was an Atlantian with a weakness to unprocessed material? Remember when Artie Joe was Aquaman? Preboot had some eyebrow raising stuff too, don’t deny it.
You should give the Shazam stuff a second chance. Reading it in a sitting, you can see that Billy does go from a jerk to a person who (as of this writing) can connect with Black Adam’s backstory and tries to peacefully talk him down. Again, it’s not done yet, but we’ll most likely see more of him during Trinity War.
I’m mixed about Raven’s outfit. The “hood” thing looks ridiculous, but the rest of the outfit is.. okay. At least she isn’t being stripperiffic with it.
I been slowly getting back into the New 52. Slowly but every now and then there is something that makes me cringe. Nothing big but some of the choices are…. questionable. Yeah I know that I’m being nitpicky but some of the changes feel unnecessary. Yeah Dial H is good. I just can’t get use to that guy XD. (nitpick of my part I know.)
I’m going to give Captain Marvel another chance and see how it goes.
And DC please bring Steph back. She doesn’t need to be Batgirl. Just bring her back as the Spoiler.T_T
The cap still looks dumb. And I forgot to mention that Raven new outfit looks… weird to say the least.
Damian was, from the moment Grant Morrison concieved him, always supposed to die. His near death at the end of Batman & Son was supposed to be it, but Morrison got some more ideas for him. This then raises the question: Does a character belong more to the creator or the fans?
…Wow. You really haven’t been reading Red Hood past the first issue, huh? Jason & Kori never had sex, they talked for a whole night. Arsenal & Kori’s relationship had an admittedly questionable start, but it’s evolved to a point where I can dig it. And Starfire herself has gone beyond the “brainless tits in a bikini” people labeled her with in the first issue. It’s questionable when a character has sex with a total of ONE guy, she’s a whore. As for Arsenal’s hat? This is a big deal? It’s not like he’s wearing tonnes of pouches for no good reason, it’s just a cap.
Dick & Babs aren’t a couple. At all. I don’t know where you got it from. The most is they had an attraction back when Dick was Robin, but that’s it.
I loved the 2009 Batgirl series with Steph as well, but I’ll fully admit that Gail Simone aside (she’s an alright writer, but most times she isn’t my cup of tea) this Batgirl is alright. I can kinda understand that people preferred Oracle, but the series didn’t wave a magic wand and say that she’s 100% fine. Most of the run was her coping with what happened to her in a mostly believeable manner. And… I dunno, it seems creepy when people say that Babs should go back in the chair, like she’s better invalid.
Yeah… I’ll give you this. Come on with Wally & Steph (Cass is a bit overrated IMO, but I’d still like to know what happened to her).
Again, this is a big deal? Beast Boy’s gone from red to green. That’s it. The reason for this (connection to Animal Man’s Red mythos) is plausible enough.
This is strictly where fan opinion is what can’t be disputed. The name change is understandable, but the attitude is another thing. Honestly this comes from the reader’s preference: is it better for Billy to have always remained a Pollyana, or for him to grow into a better person after being trusted with a great gift? But this still doesn’t change the fact that, as of this writing, Shazam’s origin still isn’t finished yet and we haven’t seen much of him in the present.
And what’s wrong with Dial H? The fact that the main character is a fat guy and not any of the old dialers? That he’s not an expert dialer? What exactly is pissing you off? The book is awesome!
This has been a DC geek, talking about not-pony stuff, signing off.
Eh I kinda have to agrre with Linkara. Yeah New 52 has some good stuff (like the awesome Animal Man) but most of it just pisses me off. Damian get killed off, Starfire being a whore, Barbara and Dick being a couple, freaking Batgirl walking again, Wally West doesn’t exist anymore, red Beast Boy, Captain Marvel is a jerk, Shazam, the guy from Dial H for Heroe, Red Arrow stupid looking hat, and where the hell is Stephanie Brown!
You’d think a cartoon fan like CR who’s wrapped his head in SO many fandoms would think deeply about the characters and discuss headcanons and theories. That’s what I did with all those episodes that he called “shitty abominations”.
Because of this, I can’t even watch his non-pony videos anymore. And I really liked a couple of his Familiar Faces episodes. :(
And again, I’m not saying that the New 52 doesn’t have problems. Ex. The SEVERE amount of editorial interference, books given to the blatently wrong people (Liefeld, Scott McDaniel, etc) and the question of previous continuity (which is the same problem that DC had after the first Crisis, only difference is the internet is widely avaliable to complain on).
It’s just that he’s given some lousy reasons before like with Red Hood & Blue Beetle, and he’s just ignoring A LOT of the bad pre-boot and A LOT of the good currently. I’ll give him this over CR, at least he doesn’t hate EVERYTHING from the New 52, he just likes being a comics snob.
For the most part, hearing Linkara & CR complain about everything is just like listening to Pheolus talking about Turtles Forever back then.
Except Linkara gave detailed reasons as to why he hates New 52 and, quite frankly, I can somewhat see where he’s going at. CR on the other hand…
IIRC, he said that people who LIKED Magical Mystery Cure were killing the series, and has been continuiously been acting like a total immmature brat by continuingly insulting & mocking Meghan McCarthey.
It’s sad, I used to really like CR just like I did with (yeah, it true) Linkara. But now, they and the stuff they do just pisses me off.
Yeah, I’m enjoying my fcking DC (& New 52) stuff AND I’m enjoying my fcking pony show. Do both have problems, major & minor? Yeah, but acting like immature brats & trying to sh*t all over them for shallow reasons isn’t going to stop me & others from enjoying them, no matter how self important you feel or however many people follow your stuff.
Wow! I now suddenly refuse to watch any of his pony-related videos now if he’s going to insult the fanbase for even LIKING something what he doesn’t. Nostalgia Critic has gone on countless and countless times, it’s just an opinion and he will not bash others for making an opinion. In fact, his Casper and Grinch reviews had him say plain and simple if you dislike the films, your reasons have been justified as well as reasons you never thought about or missed. If you liked the films but are now aware of their problems, you’re allowed to like them but just be aware of their problems. C.R. just broke a rule from the reviewer handbook: Never ,and I mean, NEVER, thrust your opinion on others and expect them to accept it even when they don’t want to.
Wow, some people just can’t let ANYTHING bad get said about their freaking internet idols.
The hottip explaining why some people thought this joke was in poor taste keeps getting taken down! And as a hottip, it basically is an asterisk that you have to CLICK to read, meaning it isn’t even clutter.
@Background Pony
You mean this one? He’d probably have a fit if somebody did, or it would just encourage him to bash S3 & bronies more.
It’s OK to not like season 3, that’s not what bugs me, but Chad’s starting to reach “Sonic fanbrat” levels of fanbrattyness, and it seems like he’s purposely trying to troll-bait himself for his amusement, or he’s getting a bit obsessed with S3.
It’s a bit disheartening the way he’s acting, ‘cause I’m a big fan of his on DA. I guess joining the “” troupe kinda went to his head, or something… :(
Also, in regards to his remark that the “Trixie” episode was made to pander to fans, ironically according to the writer of it, the episode was actually ment to be a S2 episode, and the script for it was submitted in January 2011, only a few months after the show came out, (and only a month, and a half after the original “Boast Busters” episode aired) and before the whole “brony phenomenon,” became well-known.
Real talk? I used to be a HUGE ME fan. And even though I questioned quite a few of Bioware’s decisions in the third game (the NEED to raise readiness with Multiplayer, mission layouts, this was when it first came out) I ENJOYED ME3… until the ending, which brought about the beginning of my apathy for the series which continues to this day.
Even after the Extended Cut, Leviathan, & other DLC, I can’t bring myself to play any of the games anymore.
S3 had it’s ups and it’s downs. I questioned quite a few things with it, but I overall ENJOYED the season as a whole. The finale, I felt had A LOT of flaws, but the biggest difference between it & ME3 ending was that at least Hasbro didn’t lie or try to pretend it was something different, like what Bioware & EA did.
The problem that CR! has is that he let his own preconcptions on the show & the characters color his opinion on the series and that when it deviated from that, it became “shitty” to him. The fights he gets into online adds fuel to the fire.
While I might think that the ultimate origins, purpose & resolution(s) of the Reapers was intensely stupid and lame, that doesn’t mean that, apathy aside, the whole series was invalidated by it. I can appreciate that there are some people, pre & post Extended Cut, that liked the endings & such, and instead of flaming them, I discuss it with them and ask what they got out of it.
That’s what I think CR! should do, rather than belittle everyone who disagrees with him.
Here’s the thing: I cant actually bring myself to challenge him on his position (by challenge, I mean challenge his viewpoint on an intellectual, not a personal level).
Why? Because I happen to dislike both Mass Effect 3, and especially it’s ending. Even though season3/twicorn are not comparable to ME3 on a literary level, I’d still feel like a bit of a hypocrite for standing for controversial thing ’A’ (season3/twicorn) all the while denouncing (arguably similar; YMMV) controversial thing ’B’ (ME3’s ending)