Background Pony #8D65
@Background Pony  
My take on it is that its the “strongest” characterization the fandom was able to make, and thus it became default.  
Fandoms need this kinda of thing, ease of acknowledgment and all that.

1000 times this
Background Pony #4E8F
Seriously, like, no one remembers Tecno? Tecno is good.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

That’s only because its popular
And screw you! I think she’d be more into Alternative French Electro-House Daft Punk or Uptempo Pre-funk Techtrance flipfunk
Though in all seriousness. I bet she’d fawn over Daft Punk and Pendulum.

This is the first Pony Confession I’ve ever actually agreed with or thought was a legitimate complaint about the show or the fandom.
That I’ve seen, anyways.