author name: cheng weng hoe got my achievement:Rescue of svengallop
update 21/11/2020
please listen to me. you can’t revenge to svengallop for uploads. this NO A JOKE! flim flam brothers tell him to svengallop on works and payback for life it this guy got help on works. that’s enough, everpony. but yourself it’s no matter find to applejack’s parents. october 10, 2015 we’ve tried got contact to
jim miller. please you don’t my remove for upload and you don’t casual touch to dislike this again. I just save him.
glad! know always her twilight sparkle on a spy got kill
answer:applejack’s father hat and apple bloom got cmc change the cutie marks
story sayings
flim: twilight sparkle did you really think an eyepatch was enough of a disguise?
twilight sparkle: no i didn’t
flam: will did you recognize kill svengallop? if everypony get watch your a plan!
flim: you a princess of friendship, i already first time you receive get warning, our’re the las pegasus been price increase. the second warning, if you killed again. I will send this an update tomorrow to abuse the newspaper.
twilight sparkle: How did you get it here?
flam: l see your a friend applejack get back coloratura to sad the sing! our just get a photo taken in svengallop injured. next time get revenge you. this svengallop’s injured photo, i’ve can the preserve.
flim: princess of jealousy twilight sparkle bent on ruining her competition.
flam: and this photo of you sneaking into our office? i’m so sad a new story like that would destroy your reputaion, no pony will want to go to your school after!
twilight sparkle: no