Background Pony #028B
You mistake being incompetent for not being competent enough. There is a middle ground where you aren't competent enough to have kids but are still not an incompetent person (pony?). Case in point are AJ and RD, who (if I'm reading my cards right) are too busy ||tongue-punching each other's naughty parts|| to have kids. It's not that they're incompetent, it's just that their minds (and tongues) are busy with other things. Twilight is amortal so she has a free excuse not to pass on her genes. Fluttershy is Fluttershy so any number of things from her being Fluttershy to whatever her relationship with Discord is can be attributed to her not having any kids. Rarity is busy being fabulous and otherwise making clothes and appearances to have kids (plus, think of the awful stretch lines!)
*However_*, on top of being the super party planning pony or whatever it is her ridiculous job is, Pinkie Pie was still capable of not only wooing Weird Al Pony (Cheese Sandwich) but then getting him to put a bun in her oven and then somehow raise said bun into a beautiful baguette or whatever the hay it is that buns grow into (metaphors, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em, amirite?) thus making her _*more_* competent than any of the other mane 6.
You mistake being incompetent for not being competent enough. There is a middle ground where you aren't competent enough to have kids but are still not an incompetent person (pony?). Case in point are AJ and RD, who (if I'm reading my cards right) are too busy ||tongue-punching each other's naughty parts|| to have kids. It's not that they're incompetent, it's just that their minds (and tongues) are busy with other things. Twilight is amortal so she has a free excuse not to pass on her genes. Fluttershy is Fluttershy so any number of things from her being Fluttershy to whatever her relationship with Discord is can be attributed to her not having any kids. Rarity is busy being fabulous and otherwise making clothes and appearances to have kids (plus, think of the awful stretch lines!)